Ocean Reef Club treats their employees like dirt while attempting to woo prospective employees with grandiose promises they never deliver on. The housing provided is full of mold, and the only thing the housing staff does is say 'wash it off'. The problem is, nothing dries in the rooms, so everything that gets washed just gets moldy again. The members of the club are all millionaires that are impossible to please, and the only time the club changes anything is when members complain enough. The food is the only thing that's any good, but the staff that run the employee cafeteria would rather see you starve than serve you food that's already been made and sitting in front of them. No matter how polite and nice you are, which you should be to people that handle your food, they act like you're in the wrong for wanting to eat food the club provides (at a cost, mind you). The best they offer employees are pizza parties and soccer tournaments. Employees have been harassed by the Monroe County Sheriff to change their license plate to Florida after living here for a few weeks, but many of the employees are from out of state and are leaving within 3 months! The club never warned any employees and refuse to help cover costs associated with tickets. Bottom line, terrible place to work. Anyone that says otherwise has stockholm syndrome and no perspective on how different their working life can be.

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