I like high video and audio quality for my movies that I watch because I have a high-end projector and audio set-up. That is why I want to buy blu-ray discs. But I want JUST the movie. I don't want five unskippable adverts when I put the disc in. I don't want the director's or cast commentary. I don't want "The making of" videos that destroy the magic of film. I especially don't want to have to have to rely on an internet connection to verify any DRM anything before I watch the movie. I don't want to waste my time ripping, or failing to rip, the movie down to a media center so I can watch it without all the added crud; time is scarce enough for me as it is with the hours I work. Just. The. Movie. Put disc in. Movie plays. Release a high bitrate disc with just the movie on it. For half the price of a disc with all the other rubbish on it. I will buy it every time.

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